Linguistic Diversity in Schools

In this episode of Head, Heart, Habits & Equity — a podcast by Teaching Lab — host Rod Naquin talks about the history of monolingual and bilingualism in schools and its ramifications, especially as it relates to long standing inequities. He is joined by Dr. Francesca A. López and Dr. Anissa Rodriguez Dickerman as they all discuss the current reality of linguistic diversity in schools and what bilingual instruction should look like.

Dr. Francesca A. López is the Waterbury Chair in equity pedagogy and professor of education at Penn State, College of Education. Dr. Anissa Rodriguez Dickerman is the Chief Program Officer at Teaching Lab and a former elementary teacher, school administrator, and executive coach.

The podcast will reference reports like “Latino Student Success: Advancing U.S. Educational Progress for All” by Unidos US; an article found at The Century Foundation, entitled “A New Federal Equity Agenda for Dual Language Learners and English Learners”; and other vital resources that sorts through the implications of multilingual literacy in public schools for teacher professional learning and literacy training.


Native Educational Sovereignty and Indigenized Schooling